zondag 20 februari 2011

Yeah!! Finally finished!

After leaving it aside for another 6 weeks I decided to sign the painting and to call it done! I know I could do some improvements still, but sometime enough is more then enough..  Up to new work(s)!
I am still a bit p******* about the fact that my digital camera won't show all the glaced colors that there are in the painting. Time to start to safe some money for a new cam....

maandag 29 november 2010

Very close to the finish...

Unfortunately I didn't manage to finish the painting during last night session. I had to do some repair work on sunk paint using Liquin varnish. So next session I'll finish the face and consider it done. (For the next 6-8 weeks, after that I will review the painting before putting on a sealing varnish)

woensdag 17 november 2010

Stepping forwards to completion

Still busy with getting the shades right, almost there. Some adjusments to the girl's face deemed necessary. Will finish the painting within a few more sessions.... finally!

zaterdag 11 september 2010

After a long holiday....

After a veeeeeeery looooooong periode of not painting (holiday, too much nice outdoor activities etc.) I decided to pick up the brushes agian and continued with this painting.

Now starting to workout the rocks to final stages (started right under), bringing in the depth. Deep shades and high lights....

donderdag 27 mei 2010

Getting there more and more

Too much work,for lifing, too less time for paintizng.... Started with glazing the girl. Some more layers to go. Also made a start with darkening the shadows....

zaterdag 22 mei 2010

The dress

Just glaced the dress using a very transparent light blue (cools shades) and Titan White warmed up with Transparant oxyde Red and the first layer for the skin tones. Skin tones will give you an everlasting discussion. How to do and what are the real colors. What works fine for me: an underpainting highlighted in titan white, a first layer of Still de Grain Yellow after drying a second layer of transparant oxid red highlighted with Titan White (warmed up a bit with Still de Grain Yellow). This will give a perfect Kaukasian skin tone.

Will try to finish the rocks this week, mainly setting deep shadows... and see what to do with the water, if anything.

woensdag 5 mei 2010

A step back or just forwards...?

Not completely happy with the perpective in the right corner (and some other points) I decide to make some corrections before starting to glaze the girl and the shades.

I had to correct something in the water stream, they are still in underpainting.

Old versus New